OUTDOOR GAMES VS VIDEO GAMES (The simple outdoor pleasures missed out on by today's computer-loving children)
One of the greatest jobs of childhood is getting to explore the world outside the confines of our homes and having fun while exploring. The entire world is an undiscovered territory and being the explorer gives on immense joy and satisfaction. Most of the time is been spent, playing outdoor, and interacting with other children and adults. Outdoor games not only keep us physically active and fit; playing outdoor games is also a great exercise in enhancing social skills. It builds team spirit, confidence, good communication and interaction skills. It helps in developing a sense of discipline in life. With the arrival of computers and video games etc., children prefer to stay in their homes, and this has in turn give birth to a new sedentary lifestyle, that is much harmful than being useful. These children’s does not have explorer to outside world and their world get limited to the characters in computers or video games. Thus this led to a production of generation wh...