The country about which once Gandhi Ji was dreaming, that country, our motherland India today is sailing in corruption and is again in chains. All the attempts made by our freedom fighters have gone in vain. Although progress has been made in all the fields, the problem of corruption could not be healed. While corruption is shining like sun, honesty is just fun. Corruption is at the highest pitch and is pushing our country towards a never ending pitch. Awareness to eradicate corruption should be inculcated in the young generation today. It is time to do this now so that we can make our India fly bird. My young friends! Lets us all wake up and join our hand together to lend a helping hand to stop the corruption in our motherland.
The young generation is foundation of any nation. As none building can survive without a strong foundation, a nation can also not survive without a qualified, strong, efficient, dedicated youth. National integration is feeling of togetherness or oneness towards one nation irrespective of cast, region, religion, race and culture etc... India is a multi-racial and multilingual country. It's power lie only among the unity of youth. In ancient times India was divided into small Kingdoms which were ruled by kings, they had fights due to political issues but there was no issue based on religion. The religion issue came to being when Mughal Empire started growing roots on Indian land. When British Empire start spreading its root, Indian people began the freedom movement to uproot this empire. The ruler tried to disturb the national integration of our country by applying the ‘divide and rule’ policy to hold back the movement. To go with the policy they began to show ...